Other popular cultural destinations in or near Miami include Zoo Miami Jungle Island the Miami Seaquarium Monkey Jungle Coral Castle Charles Deering Estate Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden and Key Biscayne, Main articles: PortMiami Tunnel and PortMiami Deep Dredge Project, In the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections Barack Obama carried the state as a northern Democrat attracting high voter turnout especially among the young Independents and minority voters of whom Hispanics comprise an increasingly large proportion 2008 marked the first time since 1944 when Franklin D Roosevelt carried the state for the fourth time that Florida was carried by a Northern Democrat for president. ! .
. Later immigration Miami Florida Business directory Some of the driest land in the Everglades is pineland (also called pine rockland) ecosystem located in the highest part of the Everglades with little to no hydroperiod Some floors however may have flooded solution holes or puddles for a few months at a time the most significant feature of the pineland is the single species of South Florida slash pine (Pinus elliottii) Pineland communities require fire to maintain them and the trees have several adaptations that simultaneously promote and resist fire the sandy floor of the pine forest is covered with dry pine needles that are highly flammable South Florida slash pines are insulated by their bark to protect them from heat Fire eliminates competing vegetation on the forest floor and opens pine cones to germinate seeds a period without significant fire can turn pineland into a hardwood hammock as larger trees overtake the slash pines the understory shrubs in pine rocklands are the fire-resistant saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto) and West Indian lilac (Tetrazygia bicolor) the most diverse group of plants in the pine community are the herbs of which there are two dozen species These plants contain tubers and other mechanisms that allow them to sprout quickly after being charred; ! ! .
Everglades University