9.2 Public transit 4.3 Fire Defense of Florida's northern border with the United States was minor during the second Spanish period the region became a haven for escaped slaves and a base for Indian attacks against U.S territories and the U.S pressed Spain for reform. ; Global Bass Museum of Art Miami Beach On the morning of September 7 1959 25 African-American students stepped onto the grounds of Orchard Villa Elementary School and Air Base Elementary schools officially ending segregation within the school system By the end of the academic year nearly half the schools in the county had been desegregated when parents were given the option of enrolling their children in any school in the district providing they had the proper transportation Despite this law many schools in Dade County did not become fully integrated until the late 1960s. The founders located the campus on the site of the original Tamiami Airport (not related to the later Kendall-Tamiami Airport) on the Tamiami Trail (U.S Route 41) between Southwest 107th and 117th Avenues just east of where the West Dade Expressway (now the Homestead Extension of Florida's Turnpike) was being planned the abandoned airport's air traffic control tower became FIU's first building it originally had no telephones no drinking water and no furniture Perry decided that the tower should never be destroyed and it remains on campus where it is now known variously as the "Veterans Office," "Ivory Tower," the "Tower Building," or the "Public Safety Tower," and is the former location of the FIU Police Department. .
City served Code Airport name FAA, 7 Florida Power and Light Co. 3,011 Two new light rail systems Baylink and the Miami Streetcar have been proposed and are currently in the planning stage BayLink would connect Downtown with South Beach and the Miami Streetcar would connect Downtown with Midtown. ! Kendale Lakes Gold Coast, 6.1 Central Atlantic 1980s to 1990s, Freedom Tower Cuban American female recording artist Ana Cristina was born in Miami in 1985. In 2003 the controversial Free Trade Area of the Americas negotiation occurred it was a proposed agreement to reduce trade barriers while increasing intellectual property rights During the 2003 meeting in Miami the Free Trade Area of the Americas was met by heavy opposition from anti-corporatization and anti-globalization protests. Miami Seaplane Base 7 Health 7.5 Air crashes ??? Approximate extent of the Sargasso Sea United Kingdom 407,300,000 359,480,074.29 2.44 4.17 Student media. On August 7 and 8 1968 coinciding with the 1968 Republican National Convention rioting broke out in the black Liberty City neighborhood which required the Florida National Guard to restore order Issues were "deplorable housing conditions economic exploitation bleak employment prospects racial discrimination poor police-community relations and economic competition with Cuban refugees.".:iv Overcrowding due to the near-destruction of the black Overtown neighborhood was also a factor.
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