5.1 Consulates 9 Media Tuition The Everglades Forever Act introduced by Governor Lawton Chiles in 1994 was an attempt to legislate the lowering of phosphorus in Everglades waterways the act put the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in charge of testing and enforcing low phosphorus levels: 10 parts per billion (ppb) (down from 500 ppb in the 1980s) the SFWMD built Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAs) near sugarcane fields where water leaving the EAA flows into ponds lined with lime rock and layers of peat and calcareous periphyton Testing has shown this method to be more effective than previously anticipated bringing levels from 80 ppb to 10 ppb. . . Main article: Indigenous people of the Everglades region Public transportation In 1964 Senate Bill 711 was introduced by Florida Senator Robert M Haverfield it instructed the state Board of Education and the Board of Regents (BOR) to begin planning for the development of a state university in Miami the bill was signed into law by then-governor W Haydon Burns in June 1965 marking FIU's official founding. 2.3 Rock President Harry Truman dedicating Everglades National Park on December 6 1947, NRHP reference # 05001356 and 88003057, Several financial scandals involving the Mayor's office and City Commission during the 1980s and 1990s left Miami with the title of the United States' 4th poorest city by 1996 With a budget shortfall of $68 Million and its municipal bonds given a junk bond rating by Wall Street in 1997 Miami became Florida's first city to have a state appointed oversight board assigned to it in the same year city voters rejected a resolution to dissolve the city and make it one entity with Dade County the City's financial problems continued until political outsider Manny Diaz was elected Mayor of Miami in 2001. 4.2 Student media (27.8) 83.5 Miami Jai Alai fronton known as "The Yankee Stadium of Jai Alai", The first bridge across Biscayne Bay was the 2.5-mile (4.0 km) wooden Collins Bridge built in 1912 by John S Collins and his son-in-law Thomas Pancoast who formed the Miami Beach Improvement Corporation; financing was provided by Carl G Fisher and the Miami banker brothers John N Lummus and James E Lummus Construction began on July 22 1912 Although the cost of the project was initially $75,000 the construction project faced delays and cost overruns the budge was partially completed in 1913 the bridge was "hailed as the longest wooden vehicle bridge in the world and opened up the area as a luxury winter resort and playground." the bridge terminated at the Dixie Highway built by Carl G Fisher the bridge was a toll bridge; in 1920 the toll was reduced from 20 cents each way (for two-seat cars) to 15 cents one way (and 25 cents round-trip) the bridge was sold to the Biscayne Bay Improvement Association which developed five artificial islands that became known as the Venetian Islands: Biscayne and San Marco in Miami San Marino Di Lido and Rivo Alto in Miami Beach the bridge was torn down in 1925 and replaced with the "more substantial" Venetian Causeway the next year; .
The break-up of Pangaea began in the Central Atlantic between North America and Northwest Africa where rift basins opened during the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic This period also saw the first stages of the uplift of the Atlas Mountains the exact timing is controversial with estimates ranging from 200 to 170 Ma. Barry University became a member of the Sunshine State Conference (SSC) in June 1988 and a member of NCAA Division II since 1984 the Buccaneers have won 16 NCAA Division II national championships (women's soccer 1989 1992 1993; volleyball 1995 2001 2004; men's golf 2007 2013 2014; men's tennis 2010 2013 2015; women's tennis 2011 2014 and rowing 2015 2016) and 65 SSC titles the Bucs have produced 309 All-Americans and 361 Scholar All-Americans, In the central segment rifting started to break Africa in two by opening the Benue Trough around 118 Ma Rifting in the central segment however coincided with the Cretaceous Normal Superchron (also known as the Cretaceous quiet period) a 40 Ma period without magnetic reversals which makes it difficult to date sea-floor spreading in this segment. .
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