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Barry University has more than 60 student organizations two fraternities and one sorority honor societies and a student government. By 1913 the Seminole in the Everglades numbered no more than 325 They made a living by hunting and trading with white settlers and raised domesticated animals the Seminole made their villages in hardwood hammocks or pinelands had diets of hominy and coontie roots fish turtles venison and small game Their villages were not large due to the limited size of the hammocks Between the end of the last Seminole War and 1930 the people lived in relative isolation from the majority culture. . Miami Florida Business directory, 4.1.1 Elections of 2000 to present, 34.8% Outside of the U.S. Phosphate mining concentrated in the Bone Valley is the state's third-largest industry the state produces about 75% of the phosphate required by farmers in the United States and 25% of the world supply with about 95% used for agriculture (90% for fertilizer and 5% for livestock feed supplements) and 5% used for other products. . Margate Fall freshman admissions Several ecosystems are present in the Everglades and boundaries between them are subtle or absent the primary feature of the Everglades is the sawgrass marsh the iconic water and sawgrass combination in the shallow river 100 miles (160 km) long and 60 miles (97 km) wide that spans from Lake Okeechobee to Florida Bay is often referred to as the "true Everglades" or just "the Glades" Prior to the first drainage attempts in 1905 the sheetflow occupied nearly a third of the lower Florida peninsula Sawgrass thrives in the slowly moving water but may die in unusually deep floods if oxygen is unable to reach its roots It is particularly vulnerable immediately after a fire the hydroperiod for the marsh is at least nine months and can last longer Where sawgrass grows densely few animals or other plants live although alligators choose these locations for nesting Where there is more room periphyton grows Periphyton supports larval insects and amphibians which in turn are consumed as food by birds fish and reptiles it also absorbs calcium from water which adds to the calcitic composition of the marl; . .
Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay, Singapore