6.3 Drainage Hurricane Charley in 2004 moving ashore on South Florida's Gulf of Mexico coast, Gates MIA e Train Gates There has been a Norwegian Seamen's church in Miami since the early 1980s in November 2011 Crown Princess Mette-Marit opened a new building for the church the church was built as a center for the 10,000 Scandinavians that live in Florida Around 4,000 of them are Norwegian the church is also an important place for the 150 Norwegians that work at Disney World, 18th to 19th centuries: Early non-Spanish settlement. Largest cities in South Florida by population: Segregation of Miami-Dade beaches finally ended in the early 1960s with another protest led by the late Rev Theodore Gibson Garth C Reeves the late Oscar Range[clarification needed] and others Crandon Park and Virginia Key Beach would no longer be used exclusively by one race or another but open for all to enjoy When beaches closer to historically Black residential neighborhoods desegregated Virginia Key Beach gradually declined both in use and upkeep By the 1980s picnicking families mingled with gay couples and nudists using Virginia Key Beach too in 1982 the County transferred the former colored-only park to the City of Miami with a deed restriction that it only be used as a park and that the City continued the level of services and maintenance the City closed the Park shortly thereafter citing high maintenance costs, There are four major projects related to PortMiami which are all scheduled to be ready by 2014: the expansion of the Panama Canal the PortMiami Deep Dredge Project the PortMiami Tunnel and the restoration of the bridge and rail line connecting the PortMiami to the mainland. .
Miami Shores School populations had flourished throughout most of the 1960s and 70s but in the late 70s a teacher walk-out forced a sudden drop in school population ending rampant overcrowding and forcing the closing of 11 schools the sudden drop didn't last very long as students who had left the school system for private schools began to return by the mid-1980s, Civil Rights Movement 3 Demographics Closure of the Atlantic Coral Way Flagami and West Flagler. . Plantation Mobile Home Park, Gusman Center for the Performing Arts Downtown Miami, Carlos Arroyo See also: List of companies based in Miami. The increasing population in towns near the Everglades hunted in the area Raccoons and otters were the most widely hunted for their skins Hunting often went unchecked; in one trip a Lake Okeechobee hunter killed 250 alligators and 172 otters Water birds were a particular target of plume hunting Bird feathers were used in women's hats in the late 19th and early 20th centuries; . The district is managed by the School Board of Miami-Dade County which appoints a superintendent to head the administrative portions of the district Alberto Carvalho has been Superintendent since September 12 2008. Fire is an important element in the natural maintenance of the Everglades the majority of fires are caused by lightning strikes from thunderstorms during the wet season Their effects are largely superficial and serve to foster specific plant growth: sawgrass will burn above water but the roots are preserved underneath Fire in the sawgrass marshes serves to keep out larger bushes and trees and releases nutrients from decaying plant matter more efficiently than decomposition Whereas in the wet season dead plant matter and the tips of grasses and trees are burned in the dry season the fire may be fed by organic peat and burn deeply destroying root systems Fires are confined by existing water and rainfall it takes approximately 225 years for one foot (.30 m) of peat to develop but in some locations the peat is less dense than it should be for the 5,000 years of the Everglades' existence Scientists indicate fire as the cause; it is also cited as the reason for the black color of Everglades muck Layers of charcoal have been detected in the peat in portions of the Everglades that indicate the region endured severe fires for years at a time although this trend seems to have abated since the last occurrence in 940 BCE. BB&T Center home of the Florida Panthers Climate There are about 3,000 different types of wildflowers in Florida This is the third-most diverse state in the union behind California and Texas both larger states in Florida wild populations of coconut palms extend up the East Coast from Key West to Jupiter Inlet and up the West Coast from Marco Island to Sarasota Many of the smallest coral islands in the Florida Keys are known to have abundant coconut palms sprouting from coconuts that have drifted or been deposited by ocean currents Coconut palms are cultivated north of south Florida to roughly Cocoa Beach on the East Coast and the Tampa Bay Area on the West Coast, 7 History Belle Glade Camp.
Miami Seaquarium