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Miami Florida Business directory 7 External links A storm over the Shark River in the Everglades 1966. Miami Florida Business directory, Water and Sewer Department, Reptiles: eastern diamondback and pygmy rattlesnakes gopher tortoise green and leatherback sea turtles and eastern indigo snake in 2012 there were about one million American alligators and 1,500 crocodiles Birds: peregrine falcon bald eagle American flamingo northern caracara snail kite osprey white and brown pelicans sea gulls whooping and sandhill cranes roseate spoonbill American white ibis Florida scrub jay (state endemic) and others One subspecies of wild turkey Meleagris gallopavo namely subspecies osceola is found only in Florida the state is a wintering location for many species of eastern North American birds. .
Red mangrove trees bordering a tidal estuary in the Everglades School of Environment Arts and Sciences! Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan 1996 48.0% 2,546,870 42.3% 2,244,536 Initially most residents wanted to name the city "Flagler" However Henry Flagler was adamant that the new city would not be named after him So on July 28 1896 the City of Miami named after the Miami River was incorporated with 502 voters including 100 registered black voters the blacks provided the primary labor force for the building of Miami.[citation needed] Clauses in land deeds confined blacks to the northwest section of Miami which became known as "Colored Town" (today's Overtown). Glenvar Heights The FIU School of Architecture is the most competitive in Florida with the lowest admission rate in the state at 14% (2011) for Fall 2009 the School of Architecture received over 1,000 applications for the first-year Master of Architecture program with 60 being accepted giving the School of Architecture a 6% admissions rate the average high school GPA for the freshman class in the School of Architecture was 3.98 also making it one of the most selective schools at FIU, 9 Notes Tampa 70/51 73/54 77/58 81/62 88/69 90/74 90/75 91/76 89/74 85/67 78/60 72/54 Engineering Library Service Center, 2 Geography Pensacola 61/43 64/46 70/51 76/58 84/66 89/72 90/74 90/74 87/70 80/60 70/50 63/45 13.1 Office towers 3 Twenty-first century. Gainesville Terrorism Florida is the leading state for sales of powerboats Boats sales totaled $1.96 billion in 2013, Demographics Florida International University (FIU) is a public research university in Greater Miami Florida FIU has two major campuses in Miami-Dade County with its main campus in University Park Florida International University is classified as a research university with highest research activity by the Carnegie Foundation and a research university by the Florida Legislature. Florida International University (FIU) (public), Several countries have consulates based in Downtown most of which are located along Biscayne Boulevard and Brickell Avenue These include:, 1970 6,789,443 37.1% 5 See also Barry University (private/Catholic). .
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